Friday, February 28, 2020

Women's role in Hinduisim and Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Women's role in Hinduisim and Judaism - Essay Example This work intends to look into the role of women in Hinduism and Judaism. In order to understand what views the religions hold, the work primarily focuses on religious texts rather than contemporary social reality. This is so because what is practiced in the society is often slightly different from what is prescribed. Admittedly, Hinduism and Judaism are much older than many other religions. (Tuyizere 66). A look into the position of women in Hindu religion will provide the researcher with a number of contradicting views because while women enjoy equal status with men in some places, cultures, and texts, they seem to face many restrictions in some other cases. The reason may be that Hinduism is not a single religion, but is a union of various religions possessing considerably different views. Anyway, Vedas and Upanishads are considered as the basic tenets of Hinduism, and hence, the research on any subject in Hinduism should begin there. To begin with, a look into Vedas shows that a daughter is considered inferior to a son. To illustrate, Rig Veda presents the reader with a number of prayers for the birth of sons (Rig Veda I.91.20; III.1.23). These brave and religious sons are considered important because a son is necessary to perform religious rites to the ancestors. Thus, without a son, salvation of ancestors becomes a difficult task (Rig Veda V.85.25). As a result of this position, there is a degree of uneasiness associated with the birth of a girl child (Atharva Veda. VIII. 6. 25). Similarly, a look into Atharva Veda shows various charms and rituals in order to ensure the birth of a son (Atharva Veda VIII.6). Despite these differences, one can find references indicating equal position enjoyed by boys and girls in the Vedic society. For example, Atharva Veda (XI.5.18) shows that girls spent their early years in Brahmacharya ashram

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Serial Killer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Serial Killer - Research Paper Example There are many researches done on the psychology of serial killers by various researchers all over the world. It is amazing to note that causes of serial killing come forward more often in western societies as compared to eastern societies. There are two main ways to investigate about the psychology and thinking of serial killers. One is to study solved cases by police and experiences of investigating officers. Information provided on the basis of evidence and proper investigation gives a good way to do research on the topic of serial killers or serial killing. If opportunity is available one should try to meet/interview a serial killer. Thoughts of serial killers regarding sex, objectification and mutilation are important psychiatric points that can be analyzed during interview and whole research (TRUTV; Vaknin). Most of the serial killers think that to kill and to be got killed is one of the basic instincts that a human has. Early found skull of humans had traces of being attacked by some weapon. According to them, if chance available every person would kill someone. Serial killers are often regarded as people who believe that killing is a part of ritual and considered as objectifiers. Objectifiers are the people who treat other people as their subjects, most of the rulers, leaders political or military are often regarded as people that have fallen in the category of objectifiers (Vaknin). Difference between simple murders and serial killers can be explained by a known fact. A simple murderer kills due to some needs like sex, property, conflict that exists between him/her and other people. On the other hand the people called as serial killers are driven by continuous urge that is present in them from birth. Eric Hicky concluded in his research that about forty eight percent of the serial killers available to him as subjects were refused by their parents as children. Most of the serial killers live in their own world of fantasy