Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Diagnostic Essay

Of all the things high school students complain about, being sleep deprived and tired ranks first as most problematic. The issue isn't that kids simply choose not to get enough sleep; it is that the majority genuinely cannot. Students are constantly being badgered by parents, doctors and school faculty to get at least eight hours of sleep, but with school starting as early as 7:20, that makes getting a decent amount of sleep an almost impossible task.Though there are numerous other reasons as to why students are lacking leap, the start time of school is ultimately the main contributor and leads to many severely negative results. A policy causing high schools to start at 8:30 instead would greatly improve the number of better rested students. Firstly, there are a plethora of other variables preventing students from adequate sleep. Such examples include an excruciating amount of homework, extra-curricular activities and striving to maintain the Triangle Of Health. These additional issu es make It even more difficult to get enough sleep.The large amount of homework sometimes has students staying up all hours of the night. Some might argue that if students manage their time efficiently they should be able to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, but even the most organized, intelligent students have trouble completing their huge quantity of homework by the time recommended getting to bed. Next, students are greatly encouraged to participate in after school activities, however, enough sleep is practically impossible to attain when most activities run until five and time is lost to complete work.Finally, students are educated in health class to maintain the Triangle of Health, a diagram representing three crucial elements to being an overall healthy person – physical, mental, and social health. So, students are trying to maintain each form of health by attempting to make time for friends and family, hobbies, at least a half hour of exercise, and stimulation of the mind through education. Overall, when students have these other things to worry about, the early start of school is really an issue when endeavoring to get enough sleep.Secondly, students' lack of sleep affects their overall performance in school, academically and physically. Inadequate sleep in adolescents, defined as less than nine hours per night, is a known problem and a major public health concern. Sleep is food for the brain. Without the nourishment of enough sleep one can look awful, feel moody, and perform badly. While it's true that delaying school would cause complications in bus runs and after school activities, there are many convincing reasons to do so. A study made by Dry.Kyle Hailstorm at the University of Minnesota, saw an improvement in attendance and enrollment rates, increased daytime alertness, and decreased student-reported depression in seven schools whose start time changed from 7:15 to 8:40. Other studies have shown less likelihood of experiencing depressed m oods, reduced possibility for tardiness, reduced absenteeism, better grades, reduced risk of drowsy driving, and reduced risk of metabolic and nutritional deficits associated with insufficient sleep, including obesity. Another doctor, Judy Owens, MD and sleep expert undertook studies as well.She found that there was a significant average increase in sleep duration on school nights of 45 minutes across all grades nine to 12 after the change in the school start time. Her report also showed a drastic decline in students who said they rarely or never got enough sleep. The pros more than surpass the cons when it comes to a delayed school start time. All in all, if a little time and effort was put into finding solutions to the few complications that might arise in school starting at 8:30 rather than 7:20, students overall health and academic performance would improve aromatically.If there is one thing students are lacking in their lives, it is most definitely sleep and unfortunately it is a major issue. With all the incredible benefits of suitable sleep and depressing negative effects of not enough, if given the option, students would most definitely choose to sleep rather than be working on hours of school work and staying at after school activities. But, when the start time of school is as early as 7:20, students will be continuing to be sleep deprived and performing the tiring ritual of complaining of lack of sleep. Diagnostic Essay English class that I will have to take I am excited; I come with a great expectation of leaving behind my bad writing experiences; although a kind of weakness opaque my writing strengths I am going to take full advantage of each and every concept learn during the English 1301 class. First of all, I come with a great expectation of leaving behind my writing experiences presented in my lasts English classes.The memory of the first official essay that I wrote in life is enormously disturbing. Do not remember err well the date but it is truly an experience that will always be impossible to forget. It all started when the professor assigned to each one of us a topic from which we had to develop an essay. I have to mention that the word â€Å"plagiarism† was not in my vocabulary, so I immediately went into the site of lazy people called â€Å"Wisped† and started to copy and paste all the useful information that I found.That way my worked was finished in less than 10 minutes. As well, it was no longer necessary to put attention to the professor essay explanation. Consequently, the teacher did not even take ten seconds o detect my cheat when she was grading my work. After a horrible F in my grade and after a great shame in front of everyone in my class, I realized that the lessons that the teacher had given during the class was going to help me write my essay and obviously what I did was wrong and it was considered â€Å"plagiarism†.Above all, the positive part of this bad writing experience is that promised that will never do it again, and that I was going to use every skill learned in each and every English class in order to be able to develop perfect essays without any plagiarism. On the other hand, especially in this class, a weakness opaque my writing retries; this is due to the fact that English is considered my second language. I come from Monterrey, Mexico and I moved 3 years ago to this country. My first language is Spanish.All my thoughts and ideas in my head are produced in Spanish and in a matter Of seconds I translate it into English. Of COUrse, that point that I see it as a weakness will only disappear if I give the double of the effort. However, through the pass of the years realized that one of my greatest virtues is my agility in the development themes, especially if the theme has to do with science or social problems. As a matter of fact, spent woo to three hours every day reading science magazines or books, and that has helped me when need to develop essays.That's exactly what will do in this English 1301 course; I am going to squeeze 100% each and every knowledge given by the teacher. Improving and enhancing the area of reading comprehension through the ‘Mercury Reader book As well as learning how to adequately answer each and every question used to complete the journals. My goal is to get into the nursing program. Come with the clearly idea that every lesson, every concept learned in this course dur ing this semester will have a positive impact on my future.

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