Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Papas Waltz by Theodore Roethke Essay - 693 Words

Any interpretation of this story is due to the reader’s personal emotions and feelings toward his or her own Papa. This story can be either a dance between him and his father, thus bringing them closer together. However, there is a darker side of this poem, on this side it is an unsettling fight between a boy and his drunken father and all the intimacy of the dance does not make an impression on the reader and is overshadowed by the anger they feel. Theodore Roethke manipulates our emotions in this poem using literary convention. A Waltz is a lighthearted, easily accessible dance. In a waltz, a couple sways back and forth as they go in a circle. Our emotions of this poem seem to follow this same path as we can see comforting and†¦show more content†¦The whiskey on his breath is not necessarily negative due to the factors of the working class culture in 1948 when this poem was published. To add on to this view that he is a hard worker with knuckles that are battered and a â€Å"palm caked hard by dirt,† the man is a grafter who works long and hard for the family he loves. The overwhelming joy he feels when he sees his son makes him want to dance in a waltz. Due to him and his father’s height difference, the son’s ear scraped on the father’s belt buckle. The longer they dance the happier he get. This causes him to become more and more clumsier due to his drunken state, and it starts to become too much for the son the handle and begins to become very rough. This dance becomes so rough that the dancing causes the pans to fall to the floor and causes the son to, â€Å"hang on like death† to his father. The beating on his son’s head is part of joy at the music he hears in his head. The mother remains an outsider to what is actually happening in front of her and is naturally unhappy due to the random disturbance the father makes. After the dance is over the son goes to bed and clings to his father’s s hirt in love and admiration for him. The negative side of this poem is an abusive drunken father. This is prevalent to his father’s obvious drunkenness. This is tied together with the image of a knuckle, beating, belt buckle, and negativity in the word â€Å"death.† TheseShow MoreRelatedMy Papas Waltz by Theodore Roethke645 Words   |  3 PagesIn â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz,† Theodore Roethke illustrates an image of a father-son romp around the kitchen that is both harsh in its play and delicate in its memory. Roethke illustrates the poem’s images from his own childhood memories. Roethke uses simple words to create puzzling phrases that could be interpreted in different ways. The poem is ambiguous due to certain word choices that have baffling double meanings. Roethke’s poem paints an image of his childhood interactions with his father. Roethke paintsRead MoreAnalysis Of My Papas Waltz By Theodore Roethke873 Words   |  4 Pagesof the poem à ¢â‚¬Å"My Papa’s Waltz† by Theodore Roethke has spurred passionate academic debate from professors, scholars, and students alike, the imagery, syntax, and diction of the poem clearly support the interpretation that Roethke writes â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† to look back at the fond memories he has as a child with his father. Roethke’s poem was published in 1961, he was born in 1908 so at the time of this memory he was only about five or six years old. In discussions of â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz,† one controversialRead MoreAnalysis Of My Papas Waltz By Theodore Roethke1059 Words   |  5 Pages Theodore Roethke’s poem, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† has spurred passionate academic debates among professors, scholars, and students; the imagery, context, and diction of the poem clearly supports the interpretation that Roethke writes â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† reflecting on his relationship with his father. A relationship in which, notably, causes harm to the author. However, through all the nights Roethke spent in pain and in horror, his love for his father still exists. While many people believe that the authorRead MoreAnalysis Of My Papas Waltz By Theodore Roethke1062 Words   |  5 PagesTheodore Roethke’s poem, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† spurs passionate academic debates among professors, scholars, and students; the imagery, context, and diction of the poem clearly supports the interpretation that Roethke writes â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† reflecting on his relationship with his father. A relationship in which, notably, ca uses harm to the author. However, through all the nights Roethke spent in pain and in horror, his love for his father still exists. While many people believe that the author tellsRead MoreSyntax And Diction In My Papas Waltz By Theodore Roethke784 Words   |  4 Pages The controversial poem, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† by Theodore Roethke has spurred passionate academic debate from professors, scholars, and students alike; the imagery, syntax, and diction of the poem clearly support the interpretation that Roethke writes â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† to reminisce on a bittersweet memory with his father. His unclear commemoration has sparked a divide on what the true purpose of the poem is. Some may argue the poem’s purpose is to shine light on the subject of abuse, whereas othersRead MoreMy Papas Waltz by Theodore Roethke Essay examples574 Words   |  3 PagesIn â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† by Theodore Roethke, was a great poem that can mean man y different things to many different people of this world. To me I think it was just a boy who just wanted to spend time with his dad before he has to go to bed. The boy probably does not get to spend time with his dad that much. The father probably works all day and all week and this is the only time the boy gets to spend with him. Roethke use of words in this poem is amazing. The use of the words in this story can meanRead MoreAnalysis Of My Papas Waltz By Theodore Roethke768 Words   |  4 PagesTheodore Roethke was a poet who was born in Saginaw, Michigan and was influenced greatly by his father. His educational background is rather extensive, he attended The University of Michigan, took courses at Harvard University, and would then become poet-in-residence at the University of Washington. Having published several works of literature â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† is among one of his most famous. In this poem, Roethke shows his audience a plethora of viewpoints and opinio ns; which are free to interpretationRead MoreCritical Analysis of My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke757 Words   |  3 PagesTheodore Huebner Roethke was born in Saginaw, Michigan, the son of Otto Roethke and Helen Huebner. As a student at Saginaws Arthur Hill High School, Roethke demonstrated early promise in a speech on the Junior Red Cross that was published in twenty-six languages. However, the death of his father from cancer in 1923 was a loss that would powerfully shape Roethkes psychic and creative lives. Roethke attitude toward his father Otto was depicted in his widely anthologized work My Papas Waltz writtenRead MoreCritical Analysis Of My Papas Waltz By Theodore Roethke911 Words   |  4 PagesIs it true that the most renowned people are often the most damaged? In â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† by Theodore Roethke, this poem reflects his life’s misfortunes while confirming the question. On May 25, 1908 in the quiet town of Saginaw, Michigan, Helen H uebner gave birth to a baby boy, unaware he would grow up to be a distinguished author. However, distinguished or not, Roethke was troubled and battled manic depression throughout the course of his life. He was a brilliant man yet labeled as mentally unstableRead MoreMy Papas Waltz by Theodore Roethke.965 Words   |  4 Pageswas not easy. We romped until the pans Slid from the kitchen shelf; My mother s countenance Could not unfrown itself. The hand that held my wrist Was battered on one knuckle; At every step you missed My right ear scraped a buckle. You beat time on my head With a palm caked hard by dirt, Then waltzed me off to bed Still clinging to your shirt The poem, My Papa s Waltz, written by Theodore Roethke, is written in such a way that creates many debate and contestation over

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