Monday, December 30, 2019

Poetry Project - 826 Words

Poetry Project Introduction These poems are all written based off of my, Miciah’s, opinions. I have a distinct perspective on religion, therefore I chose to write a poem describing hate and love and how I thing religion is a dumb idea. My poem is titled â€Å"Hate and Love†, based off of the poem â€Å"Fire and Ice† by Robert Frost. In it I concur to what religion claims, symbolically saying that religion is wrong and not serious. I used the same exact syllables and rhyme scheme as â€Å"Fire and Ice† by Robert Frost. â€Å"Pie† is simply an original poem by me. It has no significant meaning what-so-ever. I also have a sense of humor therefore I wrote poems that are humorous yet meaningful if the reader decides to read deeper into the meaning of†¦show more content†¦I used the imagery, pattern and rhyming in a similar manor to William Blake’s poem â€Å"Tyger†. â€Å"Poetry† is simply about how I am not meant to be a poet. It has a similar subject as â€Å"How Poetry Comes to Me† by Gary Snyder in the sense that they both are relating poetry and themselves to create a poem. Under my bed is another haiku that doesn’t have a deep meaning but is based off of Matsuo Basho’s â€Å"Under Cherry Trees†. Basho’s haiku talks about under a cherry tree whereas my poem is more humorous, and is about the underside of my bed. Clothes Clothes are debatably the smartest things ever made They keep your junk from being displayed But not only that, They are good resting grounds for your domestic cat Clothes are clothes and will never change Unless you and a friend decide to exchange My Name Is Who am I, you ask? I am known as Miciah But to most, just â€Å"Friend† (Based on After Basho by Carolyn Kizer) Hate and Love People say the world will end in hate Some say in love But, please, let us not discriminate I think we could live without the hate For those thinking of an above Have another thing coming their way Was land in fact spotted by that dove? But neigh I say Not the right glove (Based on Fire and Ice by Robert Frost) Pie I like pie, And you like pie. Boy! Aren’t we cool!? Once Called Home Home is to live in a place you love Home feels like a place sent from above It’s free from the hatred and disgust It clears you a niceShow MoreRelatedWriting Across And Against The Curriculum1159 Words   |  5 Pageseffective approach to promoting language skills and critical thinking amongst college students. 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